As of July 24, 2023, "BG INDUSTRIAL GROUP" Ltd. is implementing Project No. BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01/24.07.2023, Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises.
This project is funded under a financing agreement through the Economic Transformation Program of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, procedure by selection BG-RRP-3.005 "Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises."
The project scope includes the following investments to be made over a period of 12 months:
Creation of a corporate website
Development of an information protection system in a local network
Development of an information backup system
Development of a system for managing the storage and sharing of information
Project budget: BGN 20,000.00
Amount of provided grant: BGN 20,000.00
Project start date: July 24, 2023 Project end date: July 24, 2024
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ www.eufunds.bg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This document was created under the project "Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises," implemented by "BG INDUSTRIAL GROUP" Ltd. within the framework of grant agreement No. BG-RRP-3.005-5497-C01 from July 24, 2023, with the financial support of the Economic Transformation Program of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The entire responsibility for the content of this document lies with "BG INDUSTRIAL GROUP" Ltd. and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Managing Authority.